The Crafty Boys at The Crafty Pint have really out done themselves during the Corona Virus Pandemic by launching the #keepinglocalalive movement, which by all accounts, has made a huge impact across the country as locals start focusing on their local breweries and wineries to help them through isolation.
The Crafty Pint has become an institution of the craft beer scene during the latest wave of popularity within the industry, and there is not one beer nerd out there that doesn't know or hasn't read an article written by one of the dedicated team members.
This time one of Australia's favourite Beer news outlets has stepped it up another level with their recently launched Beer Swag Day which kicks off on the 23rd of May this year! The idea behind the Beer Swag Day is that locals not only get their isolation booze fix from local producers but also support them by showing off some merch acquired from local breweries too. The inspiration was taken from the Triple J Aus Music T-shirt Day, which seems to be forming a trend after the massive success over the last few years Hottest 100 beers which was also an initiative inspired by the Triple J Juggernaut event.
So, what this means for you lovely lizards out there? It means, if you have any Shifty Lizard merch in your wardrobe, get it out, wash it if needed, get a cracking shot of you in it (the more the better). Once that is all wrapped up, follow the instructions below from the boys themselves!
Post photos of your haul online on May 23.
If you're on Instagram use the tags #keepinglocalalive and #beerswagday and make sure you tag the local businesses you're showcasing.
On Facebook, tag the @keepinglocalalive page, the businesses you're showcasing and use the tag #beerswagday.
You can start posting before the big day but we'll be looking at posts on the day when it comes to judging the prizewinners.
Prizes include full swag packs and a mixed carton of local beers!
Rules of the comp can be found here
As for ordering merch for the day.. unfortunately it is a little late for us to get new orders out to you, but please get behind the cause by grabbing some of the great merch we have online in our store. We have recently updated our range which includes a few risque options for those that don't take themselves or the world too seriously. Find them here
And of course, our standard range with all of your favourite characters can be found here
We look forward to seeing your posts and hopefully SA can come out on top in the state competitions!